Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Things are heating up for the holiday season. If you're like us your calendar is filling up fast and you're struggling to get all of the stuff done that is SO important.

Don't forget the reason for the season... I know it's cliche, but I also know how easy it is to forget about what's really important when we get so busy with what life is throwing at us, stuff which may require our attention, but may not neccesarily be very important. Just stop and remember the important stuff.

This poem is a little anachronistic. I mean does anybody but me remember when papers were delivered by boys on bikes and once every month they came to your door and collected the money for your paper delivery and gave you one of those little paper stamps as a receipt? I know, pretty old fashioned. I think it still works though. It's also written from a woman's perspective. Let's admit it guys, it's the women that take care of most of these details for us, isn't it? Maybe we should remember to thank them for doing what they do for us.


Remember to do the last minute shopping.

Remember to clean the whole house without stopping.

Remember to tell Bob to buy something nice,

for his mother and father, and not fuss about price.

Remember to trim the tree and deck the halls,

with holly and greenery and bangles and balls.

Remember the baking and ginger bread making.

Remember to string lights, though your back is breaking.

Remember the church play rehearsal at one.

Then back to pick up Jane at the mall, what fun!

Remember to tell the boys, who are hiding,

to take out the trash, clean their rooms and stop fighting!

Remember to leave something for the mailman.

Remember the things you forgot, if you can.


When the last gift is wrapped, and the cookies are made,

When the goose has been stuffed, and the paperboy paid,

Then maybe, just maybe, we’ll remember the reason,

Why we do all the things that we do at this season.

Maybe, just maybe, we’ll remember the baby.

Remember the ultimate gift that God gave us,

The Christ child who came down from heaven to save us.






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